Plantlife Project Update

08.04.2024 | Latest News

Although FOHW are still waiting for an agreement to be officially signed by North Yorkshire Council and Tarmac, Carol & Matthew attended the first project meeting at Three Hagges Wood on 26th March. This was an opportunity for Plantlife to outline the project and for FOHW to connect with representatives from the other five project sites. The project sites have been selected because they all present different challenges for Woodland Meadow restoration and/or enhancement.

You can read the notes from the meeting by clicking here (notes prepared and issued by Plantlife). These give a summary of the discussions on the day. It was an interesting day and there will be opportunities to visit other sites to learn from them, as well as benefit from the project directly. The first action under the project will be to participate in a grassland survey to understand what we already have on site, then prepare a Grassland Management plan to work out how deliver improved Woodmeadows on Hell Wath.

Plantlife have developed a great diagram explaining the benefits of Grasslands. You can see it yourself by clicking here.